Did you know that according to Cleveland Clinic, humans have an average of 70,000 thoughts per day. 70,000!
So what does that mean? It means if you tame your mind, you change your future and make your wildest dreams come true.
Sound overly dramatic? Or maybe you think it’s meant for someone else.
But ask yourself this question: what really separates me from salespeople making $250K, $500K, or even $1,000,000+ a year?
Is it skills?
Is it hustle?
Is it passion?
Actually, it’s none of the above.
I find that the #1 thing that separates most salespeople from the top-performing 1% is their mental state, or mindset. Now hang with me here — let me break this down further.
Do skills, hustle, and passion matter? Absolutely! But it’s your mental state that will drive you to acquire the skills, maintain hustle, and find the passion inside. Get it? Your mind-state or mental attitude comes before everything in sales, business, and life.
So with that out of the way, today I’m dishing out some practical training on positive self-talk to keep you focused during marathon cold calling sessions.
RELATED: Cultivate A Winning Mindset in Sales
First Things First: Sales is War
You have to take your sales career seriously. It’s a warzone and you’re behind enemy lines every time you sit down to dial. Maybe everything inside of you screams “Don’t do it! Find another career! Something easier! Anything!”
Sales is unique in that every day we have to deal with these demons. And we often have to do it alone. Unlike Rocky Balboa — from one of my favorite films, Rocky — we don’t have anyone in our corner. So you have to put yourself in your corner. Between rounds you have to splash cold water on your own face and remind yourself to stay focused for the win. It’s the only way.
So today I’m going to ensure that you’re in top fighting shape to attack this week, month, quarter, and year with all you’ve got. And it all starts with the words in your head.
Positive Self-Talk Before, During, and After Cold Calling
Before Cold Calling
The moment you wake up, look around your room and tell yourself “I’ve come far in life. I’m grateful for all that I have. And today I’m going to act like the sales pro that I am.” And truly look around with gratitude in your heart. Continue this positive self-talk as you shower, get dressed, and drive into work.
This is critical “priming” time that you cannot neglect. You have to prepare yourself for the day to come. And you can’t kid yourself about the obstacles that you’ll surely face. So also say to yourself, “Today won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. I’m going to succeed in a BIG way. I’ve planned my work, now I must work my plan.” And say this over, and over, and over.
RELATED: It Pays to Be Positive – How to Transfer Emotion When Cold Calling
While Cold Calling
You have a lot of down time and dead time between dials. When people aren’t answering their phones, remind yourself that the next conversation is just around the corner… say it out loud, even while the ring tone is going.
Say to yourself, “Someone will pick up soon, I know it. They always do.” If a call goes poorly, remind yourself that you can’t win them all. Say to yourself, “The next one will be better. I can feel it.” And put some emotion behind your self-talk. Make yourself really feel it. Remember, you have to sell yourself long before you’ll ever sell your prospect.
I can’t stress how important it is to give yourself pep talks throughout the day. Remind yourself that you DO have what it takes, that you will succeed if you stick with it and don’t give up. The mind is a fickle beast — always wanting to throw in the towel at the first sign of resistance. Tell yourself that the resistance you are experiencing is making you stronger. Because it is.
After Cold Calling
When the day is done and you pack up your bag to go home, give yourself a pat on the back and a job-well-done. You did what most people can’t do, or refuse to do. You called perfect strangers in an attempt to spark up conversation, build a relationship, and help them to improve their lives. That’s something to hang your hat on! Even if it wasn’t a perfect day, that’s OK, tell yourself that tomorrow will be better.
Say to yourself, “Nice work today, and tomorrow will be even better.” And remember, don’t just say this once. These positive affirmations or self-talk are meant to be repeated over and over. The more frequently you speak to yourself positively, the more you will grow in the direction of your dreams. It’s a universal law of nature.
RELATED: The SDR Rockstar – Master Cold Calling to Make Millions
What To Do With Negative Thoughts?
Your default is to resort to negative self-talk. And unfortunately, negative thoughts all day keeps success away. So when negative thoughts start to crop up in your mind, just observe them for what they are: thoughts.
Thoughts aren’t reality. They have the potential to create your reality, but they are not in themselves reality. You do not — and should not! — ascribe any emotion to them. Don’t try to subdue them or force them out of your mind. That is impossible to do.
Just let the negative thoughts pass by like clouds in the sky. And once you’re conscious of your thoughts, break the pattern and speak to yourself in kindness and positivity.
The Benefits of Positive Self-talk in Sales
- Improved Confidence
- More Resilience
- Better Performance
- Better Outlook on Life
- People Will Want to Be Around You
- Change More Lives
Final Words
At the risk of sounding cliche, you are the master of your own destiny. You have the ability to write your own ticket to success. It simply takes a shift in your thought patterns, and communicating positively to yourself throughout the day. Are you capable of doing that? Absolutely. Will you do that? That’s another question.
I don’t want this to be just another piece of content you read today. I want you to take this to the bank. I want you to believe that you can affect massive change in your sales numbers, in your community, and in your life — by constantly reminding yourself that you’re on the right track and doing a great job. And doing that verbally, out loud, all throughout the day. Do it and it will change your life. You’ve got this.
Until next time…
Johnny-Lee Reinoso